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首頁(yè) - 新聞資訊 > 行業(yè)新聞


來(lái)源:http://www.seermedium.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-02-24      


1. Notes with content published for over a month


Notes that have been around for a long time may already have very little natural traffic, making it difficult for French fries to drive the effect of natural traffic. And users are accustomed to seeing the latest notes in the information flow, and suddenly a long ago note appears, which makes the user feel relatively poor.


2. Only do "title party", inconsistent before and after

用戶(hù)被標題吸引后想更多了解內容,結果發(fā)現內容跟標題完全不一樣,只會(huì )讓用戶(hù)走掉。比如說(shuō)筆記標題是人均100元,點(diǎn)進(jìn)來(lái)之后發(fā)現其實(shí)不止這個(gè)價(jià)格,會(huì )容易讓用戶(hù)失望。


When users are attracted by the title and want to learn more about the content, they find that the content is completely different from the title, which will only make them leave. For example, if the note title is 100 yuan per person and you click on it, you will find that it's not just this price, which can easily disappoint users.


3. Only stack keywords

如果筆記內容堆砌過(guò)多的關(guān)鍵詞,用戶(hù)的觀(guān)感體驗非常差,會(huì )有反效果,比如帶了幾十個(gè)民宿tag。

If there are too many keywords piled up in the notes, the user's visual experience will be very poor, which will have a negative effect, such as bringing dozens of homestay tags.


4. Cheating by brushing volume

任何刷數據包含【互贊群】這類(lèi)的行為,會(huì )被抓出來(lái)記為數據作弊。數據作弊對賬號有累積懲罰,且懲罰不可逆。

Any behavior that involves brushing data, including liking groups, will be caught as data cheating. Data cheating imposes cumulative penalties on accounts, and the penalties are irreversible.

本文由濟南短視頻推廣友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.seermedium.com真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為全面的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待

This article is about promoting friendship and dedication through short videos in Jinan. For more information, please click: http://www.seermedium.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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